A Book for Entrepreneurs, Freelancers and Small Businesses on a Budget

a book and a tablet are sitting on a wooden table .

Plus Bonus eBook

a book titled how to shine online by jesse dean clark

Are you looking for ways to save $1000's on your business? Look no further! Check out our collection of tried and true, cost-effective tools to run your business. Let us show you how your company/organization can SHINE ONLINE with little to no costs.

Why You Should Read This Book

Two years ago, I wrote, “How To Shine Online - Free and Affordable Ways to Run Your Business” which is a bonus for you with today's purchase. Although there are still great and very relevant items in that eBook, in two years, technology has changed tremendously and so has my way of running a business.

What To Expect

You will see the sections broken into two parts:

Part One will have my review of the tools that I, and most of my clients use to run our businesses on a daily basis.

Part Two will have my review of tools I have used in the past but no longer need for various reasons. They’re still excellent tools, and definitely worth writing about!

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